Background to the S-100 rollout in NZ- Rolling out a new, digital navigation framework – S-100 | Toitū Te Whenua - Land Information New Zealand (linz.govt.nz)
NZ S-100 Working Group Role
- The Maritime Digital Transformation S-100 Working Group is responsible for collaborating with key customers of S-100 products, fostering engagement on the S-100 products (S-101, S-102, S-104, S-111 and S-129).
- Participate in meaningful discussions and consultations on the S-100 based products and services.
- Facilitate the testing of S-100 within the Working Group, their quality and usage aligned with the MDT goals and work plan.
NZ S-100 Working Group Chair - Geospatial Specialist. Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) vbosselmann-borsos@linz.govt.nz